Hi ladies (and guys if there is any) I have been wanting to colour my hair back blonde for ages but I knew how long it was gonna take for me to go a nice natural looking blonde colour with no orange/ginger through it
I used a colour striper before I put this colour I am reviewing into my hair
My hair was this colour :
And after I used the colour B4 colour remover it turned out like this :
Now it did take the majority of the bright red from my hair but as you can see from the pic it looks so damaged on the ends especially, I need to get a hair cut anyway so I wasn't really worried about this I decided to procede with the Schwarzkopf lightener
You will need to do a skin patch test before you use this dye, I am awful bad that I never do a patch test but if you have never used this brand or product before you should .
(If your hair is longer than shoulder length or thick you will need two/ possibly three packs of this)
In the pack:
You also get your conditioner, instructions and gloves
Now I have to say who's hands are they modelling their gloves on because they were huge on my hands, ( I do have the hands of an 8 year old child but still)
What you will need before you start:
A timer
A comb
A dark towel
Grips/ clips
Step 1: cover your shoulders with the dark towel, or if you don't have a dark towel, cut the top of a black bin bag and wrap it around your shoulders securing it with clips or grips
Brush your hair through making sure you have no knots, section off your hair with the grips, normally I section it into 4, from behind your ears to your face is 2 ( one on each side) and then split the back into two sections
Step 2: Mix your hair colour, open the top of the developer by twisting the nossel clockwise until you hear a pop, take off the nossel and squeeze in the tube of colour, starting at the bottom of the tube (never start in the middle because you will waste loads) when you have that done, cut open a small corner of the package and empty it into the developer bottle, screw on the nossel and roll the bottle between your hands for a few seconds then shake it for about 1 minute
Step 3: start applying it to your hair I always start on the darker parts of my hair, which are my ends, so I started on my back sections ends and then worked my way up and forward, I will add there is definitely not enough dye in the bottle if your hair is below shoulder length, I just had enough in mine but my hair is very thin
Step 4: Once you have it all applied whichever way you wanted to do it, you have to leave it to develop for 30 to 45 minutes depending on how bright you want it so set your timer, on your phone or an egg timer and wait for the correct amount of time
Step 5: After the time has finished you can rinse out your hair, take the conditioner into the shower with you, rinse the dye from your hair as you normally would and apply the conditioner for 5 minutes, once the 5 minutes is up rinse out and leave to air dry before you style your hair
Now I have to say I was quite disappointed with this hair dye I bought it specifically because it said 8 levels of lightening and it neutralises orange and yellow tones..........
As you can see......I am very orange!!!! What you can't see from this pic is my roots are bright yellow, I left this dye on for the 45 mins to let it work it's magic and it only made my hair so dry and orange! This is probably due to the fact that I was so red before, I am sure if you are brunette or light haired anyway it would come up a nice shade
Has anyone used this product?