I feel I need to talk about this and I've been told several times talking about it makes it easier to let it go
I suffer with Anxiety and Panic Attacks
I've been suffering with this for years and I've never really told anyone other than my fiancé, my family and maybe a close friend!
It comes and goes and thankfully I hadn't suffered from it in a while, it's recently come back for no Apparant reason and it's completely floored me!
People think I am shy and quiet and I just don't like to go out at the weekends
The truth is I love to go out and dance and be with my friends but I haven't been able to go anywhere with big crowds in the last few months I find it extremely hard to leave the house because I panic there are days when I feel like I can't be around anyone and all I want to do is cry!
Everything you could imagine is going on in my head at the same time and It is really hard!
It's difficult for me to try and explain what it is and how it feels the only way I can describe it is it feels like someone is sitting on my chest and I can't breathe.
I'm writing this today because I know there are other people like me with this and you wouldn't know!
People tend to brush over it and say "think about something else" or "just ignore it and it will go away" I've tried all of tthis and it only makes it worse
I am hoping this post will help at least one person with anxiety like mine to go and talk to someone, I understand that people who have never had it don't understand it and don't know what to say, you don't have to say anything you just have to be there! Trust me that helps so much
I'm hoping mine will go soon and I'm still looking for ways to help me relax and stop my mind overthinking all the time!
If you have ever had anxiety please don't suffer alone!
Sorry for the long deep post but I feel like writing it down sometimes helps.